Apache Kafka with a Python implementation

Taariq Nazar @ April 8th 2023

Apache Kafka

So what is Apache Kafka? Apache Kafka is an internal application messaging system which has a particular workflow. It has a notion of producers and consumers. Where in a broad sense, Producers, produce information and Consumers, consume information. Why is this useful? We'll as the workflow in the current state is centered around the notion of micro-services a need for an effecient way for these modules to converse with each is evident. Apache Kafka is one way for communications between these services. The idea is simple and I believe the best way to explain it would be through an example.


Say, we want to build an app that displays the information of a basketball game. What are the components we need? We will need a part that gathers the data from the internet aswell as a component that displays this information. In the context of Apache Kafka. The module that gathers the data and sends it to the display module is called a producer. Since it produces data that is ready to be used or consumed. The module that displays the data is called the consumer. Since it consumes the data being given to it. It might not be evident why one would want to introduce Apache Kafka in this scenario. The reason for using Apache Kafka is that it is easily scalable. Say we want to add more features. Say player statistics, then instead of contaminating the original data producer, we create a whole new module. Which the display module consumes from.


Formally, how is this all done. For this we need to introduce the notion of topics. Topics are tagged messaging queues. Producers add data to these ques under a specific topic. Consumers on the other hand subscribe to specific topics which they then consume the data from them. So each Producer can write to specific topics and each consumer can read from specific topics.


Maybe add context to what I want to build? Maybe build an app that reads data from some website and an app that displays this data in real time? Stock data maybe? Or a basketball match? Create a python app and a vue app.

Now to the implementation. What is it we need. To begin with we need to create two modules. A Producer and a consumer. I will begin with the most basic case and start with a single producer and a single consumer.

Setting up Apache Kafka

To begin with we need to install Apache Kafka on your system. How does on install Apache Kafka? Maybe Docker? or is that too much for a person to think off? Because then they need to understand Docker.


To begin with, I assume that you have python installed. Begin with installing apache kafka using pip

pip install apache-kafka

Now, lets start writing some code. To begin with we'll need to import the necessary libraries.

from apache-kafka import Producer
from time import time

The main function should be

from apache-kafka import Producer
from time import time

def main():
  # Define a producer
  producer = Producer....?

Now, we want to create a loop from which we fetch data from some source.

from apache-kafka import Producer
from time import time

def main():
  # Define a producer
  producer = Producer....?

  while True:
    #Fetch data...

This is the main logic of the producer module. Now lets fill in the gap.